Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The worst part of the taper

This is notoriously when I start to go completely insane leading up to an Ironman. Especially the big one that marks the last race of the season. I'm mentally drained. I'm physically drained. I'm constantly hungry. I'm having a hard time sleeping. And this time I have the added annoyance of the foot that refuses to get better. The next visit with the doctor is tomorrow, so hopefully there will be some good news to report there.

I'm sure you've heard or experienced first hand how triathletes tend to go a little crazy during the taper. There is less training to be done, and that gives the mind a lot more time to wander and fixate on all sorts of things. Am I ready? Did I do enough? I hope I don't get sick. I hope I don't do something stupid like trip walking down the stairs. I really wish I could eat some ice cream right now. I should be in better shape. Why are my workouts not going better? Why is my swimming so sloppy lately? Why am I still training in the cold when my race is going to be hot? Why haven't I started to pack yet? When will the pain in my foot go away?

Yep, it's no wonder I'm starting to go crazy. Add to that the new fun thing where I can't seem to fall asleep at night and the fact that I am hungry all of the time but can't really do much about it and you have one cranky athlete. I'm probably better off being left completely alone for the next week and a half. On the odd occasion that I actually do fall asleep, lately my dreams have involved food. I remember one about a week ago where I was at a make your own sundae bar and I did quite a bit of damage. Last night I had a big bag of those little powdered donuts. It's ridiculous. I try not to think about it too much, and for the past week and a half I've basically eaten the same things every day so that way I don't even have to think about it. That's just what I'm going to eat. Not that the food tastes bad, but man, I could really use a cookie or something. Or even just a sandwich.

Then there is the training. This week is probably the hardest. I guess a lot of triathletes tend to go a little crazy with the lack of training, but frankly, I'd be happy if there was nothing at all left to do. This week is still pretty substantial as far as training volume goes and I have just about zero motivation to get it done, especially when some of it involves water running. I miss real running. This is such a great time of year to be out running and I'm missing it. The weather is cooling off and starting tomorrow I think we are expecting highs in the 50's, and that never makes it easier to get out the door and train. I just feel so done. I'm betting the change of scenery will help when I head to Hawaii on Sunday, but the next few days are going to be brutal.

Now if only I could get out the door for that bike ride...

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to send you a bag of those donuts or a gift certificate to a sundae bar for after Kona! It must be REALLY bad if you're dreaming about it...

    I ALWAYS wish that taper would taper sooner... Those sharpening workouts can kill you. Stay cool. You're very close!
