Thursday, September 24, 2009

...and now it's time to panic

Ok, so, when last I left you, I was basking in the glory of having finished an epic weekend of training, comprised of a little swimming and an insane amount of biking. No running because my foot has issues. I had a follow-up appointment with my body's Dr. Fix-it, Carlos, on Tuesday and things seemed to be moving along well and it was almost time to try a run. So in talking to the coach, Jesse, we decided that today we would throw in a 25-minute easy run and see how things went. Carlos figured I'd have some pain to start but once I got going it would work itself out, as it seems to when I get up in the morning - the first few steps hurt, but then it's fine. So after some swim drills and excessive kicking in the pool this morning, and then a 90-minute bike ride that probably went way better than it should have (although considering the bike training I'm coming off, I think I've got the biking pretty well covered) I was feeling pretty good about my little run.

Searched threw the neglected run clothes drawer to find an outfit suitable for the still-summer-like weather, put on the under-used run shoes, headed out the door, took a deep breath and hoped for the best. Hoping doesn't get you very far, I learned. The push-off with that foot was WAY too painful for something that was supposed to be nearly healed. I thought maybe it would loosen up, but it actually seemed to get worse until it finally hit maximum painfulness and continuing on seemed futile. I tried to alter my stride a bit, see if hitting it in a different spot might make it better, but it didn't. I ran for a grand total of about 2 minutes and essentially it turned into nothing but a post-bike trip to the mailbox in my running clothes. The minute I start walking the pain completely disappears. It's like there's nothing wrong at all.

I called Carlos to see what he thinks and he is stumped. I got recommended to a podiatrist who can't see me for another week, just to maybe rule out some other possibilities. As I sit here typing, it's like there is nothing wrong at all with my foot. When I walk around, again, usually nothing. Like I need any more running setbacks considering my running already sucks.

So now I just get to spend the next few days at least worried again, wondering what the heck is wrong with me and why this had to happen right now, thinking back to the run that started it all and wishing I had stayed on the pavement rather than opting for that dirt road. Oh, sure, I figured the dirt road might be a bit easier on my legs. That sure was a horrendous decision. Also wondering what will happen on October 10th. My foot only has to hold up for a tad over 2 weeks. I will walk 26.2 miles if I have to, although I do hope I don't have to. I suppose the one thing that is giving me hope is that it seems that inevitably in these situations, when I've got some stubborn little nagging issue that doesn't want to go away, right about when I think things are done for good it turns around and it all turns out ok. But for now, PANIC.

I guess I could also just spend my time fixating on how freakin' hungry I am. It's funny how you can trick the stomach into feeling full with lots of vegetables and such, but it doesn't take long before it realizes that hey, that is not a whole lot of calories, give me more! No, you can't have more. Not for another 2 weeks. I must seriously be in trouble right now if thoughts of pre-race pancakes aren't even cheering me up. So that's where we're at. May need to be talked down from the ledge at some point over the next few days...


  1. Hey Molly - I'm a friend of Mary Eggers and found your blog through hers.

    I'm really sorry about your foot! Hang in there! EVERYONE that I know who is doing Kona (including myself) - is pretty much freaking out or finding something that just doesn't feel right. Hang in there... I'll send good thoughts to you as much as I can - it will all be over soon!

    As for the eating thing...yup on that level as well! Be strong - you can do it! You have already done amazing things...keep up the great work. :)

  2. Molly it is going to be fine, I promise you it will be fine. You know Jesse has you absolutley 200% prepared. You will not be walking the marathon! Trust in all the work you have done, it is not undone in just a few weeks. You are SOLID.

    :-) Mary!

  3. Thanks, ladies. Looks like Jesse will be giving me a phone call later and giving me the pool running talk. I swear I don't care in the slightest if I don't run at all until October 10th, as long as I get to run then!

  4. Where does your foot hurt? Is it the ball of your foot? Not that I know what it means if it IS the ball of your foot, but mine hurts there, so I just wondered!
    Two weeks! I can't wait to track you guys... You will run that marathon. And then you can eat! I was NEVER able to stick to that diet. I wanted to, but I simply didn't have the will power!
